Passive Investing dominates Active Investing
You might see active investors post their incredible gains and it may make you want to give it a taste. After all, we tend to think of active objects as being more strong, dynamic, and competent. Yet, when it comes to investing, active investing loses the majority of the time to passive investing, and it has been this way for decades.
Here’s why passive investment beats active investing, along with some overlooked aspects that sets passive investors apart.
Active investing is very popular over the last few years, addicting like gambling too some. Options trading, crypto trading, and other methods like forex have gotten popular in this melt-up. It entails a trader spotting an undervalued stock, crypto, or currency, acquiring it, and riding it to financial success. It’s true: finding the undervalued needles in a haystack of stocks or crypto is a lot of fun. I personally have made a lot, but have lost more. But, especially if you’re a short-term trader, it necessitates research and insight, market expertise, and a lot of effort. It is basically a full-time job.
Passive investing is all about taking a long-term buy-and-hold approach. Usually by purchasing an index fund, or investing in passive syndication deals. Passive investing in multifamily real estate with long-term potential has outpaced the stock market on a multi-decade timeframe. Learn more about this in our intro to multifamily video. The goal of passive investing is to create stable returns, cash flow, or long-term positive returns by leveraging tax-advantaged approaches and forced appreciation.
Pros and cons of active investing
Both active and passive investing have advantages and disadvantages, but for the great majority of investors, passive investment will be the best option. Not only is passive investing great for preserving wealth, but you also do not have to go through the mental gymnastics of trading in and out of assets.
Active investing may make you a lot of money if you’re a very skilled analyst or trader, or real estate operator. Unfortunately, the cost of this experience is far too great for the majority of people. While fees on stocks and ETFs are now $0 at major online brokers, active traders must still pay taxes on their net profits, which might result in a large tax bill come tax season. I see tons of people trade in and out of cryptos, and they take zero account for taxes due. Instead of trading had they held Bitcoin they would be FAR richer. Same goes with stocks or real estate. People trading in and out of stocks have to calculate taxes and when to enter or exit their next position. With passive multifamily investing, you get cash flow and tax incentives that have beaten the S&P for decades.
Warren Buffet even made a bet active investing would underperform. And it did! See here
Pros and cons of passive investing
Passive investing often does not chase the latest trends or momentum stocks or assets like Tesla or Bitcoin. Instead, passive investors hold balanced index funds, ETFs, or commercial real estate that pays monthly or quarterly cash flow.
Buy-and-hold investors can postpone paying capital gains taxes until they sell, reducing their tax payment in any given year. Passive investors in real estate as also have exclusive tax benefits that are not found within the equity market like 1031 exchanges which allows you to “trade” your property for another larger property and defer taxes. As long as you continue to trade up, the taxes are deferred. To take part in this concept you have to obey very strict but easy to understand rules. 1031 explained.
Passive investing takes very little work. I mainly complete due diligence before I invest in an index fund or invest capital with a syndication group. I then receive small dividends or cashflow checks and sit back. Another benefit of passive investing is having more free time to do anything you want rather than worrying about investing. This is my favorite part about investing in commercial real estate. Pick an incredible partner you trust, and allow them to manage my capital for 5+ years.
If you want to invest NOW, please contact a Growth VUE Properties team member now to find out how to gain access to private commercial real estate deals that provide cash flow, appreciation, tax shelter, and are recession-resistant. Click Here.